User Flow is a freecompany datas website whose mission is to make company data more accessible, for the benefit of society.  We do this by making company data available via our websites, our API, and our other data products (together, “SeekAB”). We want you to use our data, for a public purpose, for journalism, for academic research, and also commercially, however, subject to these Terms of Use as set forth below (the “Terms”). 

We offer free access to our company data through this website to the general public (for personal use only and not for the benefit of a corporation or company), and in addition, our other data products to: journalists, NGOs and academics who are conducting public benefit research (each a “Permitted User”). For the avoidance of doubt, financial institutions, corporations, government departments and regulatory authorities are not Permitted Users.  If you are not sure whether or not you qualify as a Permitted User, please contact us.  

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

The data on companies that is available through SeekAB (“company data”) is drawn from many different sources. In some cases the source data have errors which we have not yet detected and in other cases the data has been provided in very complex and impenetrable formats, which may have given rise to errors in the way it is presented on SeekAB.

Therefore we cannot make any promises as to the accuracy or quality of company data. Your use of the company data is entirely at your own risk.

For this reason and other reasons, and because SeekAB is made available without charge, our liability is limited as follows:

We do not warrant that the functionality of the website or API or any SeekAB products will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that SeekAB or the servers that make it available are free of viruses or bugs.  We reserve the right to suspend or terminate access or operation of the website and/or API or any other SeekAB products or features at any time as we see fit.


If you access this website and/or the API as a consumer (i.e. you are accessing this website for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside your trade, business, craft or profession) and if we breach these terms and conditions or are negligent in the provision of the website, the API or the company data, we will only be liable to you for losses or damages that were foreseeable. By ‘foreseeable’ we mean that it was clear to both you and us at the time you agreed to these terms that such loss might reasonably occur as a result of something we did (or failed to do).

We are not liable to you for any loss or damage that was not foreseeable, any loss or damage not caused by our breach or negligence, or any business loss or damage.

All other users:

SeekAB and any data is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis without any representations or warranties of any kind (whether express or implied by law) to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, integrity and accuracy.

Under no circumstances will we be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the access to or use of the website, company data or any components, features or products of SeekAB, regardless of the form of action.

In addition, our aggregate liability to you or anyone associated with you, regardless of the theory of liability, whether such liability arises in tort, contract or in any other way and whether or not caused by negligence or misrepresentation, for any claim, breach or default under or in connection with these terms or the access or use of  the website, company data or any SeekAB products or components, will not exceed the amount of £500 (GPB) if you are located outside of the United States of America or $500 USD if you are located in the United States of America.

Regardless of the foregoing, nothing in these Terms limit or exclude our liability for:

  1. death or personal injury caused by our      negligence;

  2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

  3. any other losses or damages to the extent      they cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

In all cases, the foregoing limitations of liability will apply to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

Your use of SeekAB

Our goal is to transform corporate transparency by making company information more accessible, more usable and better quality.

Our company data is made available:

  1. As a bulk download – contact us if you wish to access the data this      way;

  2. Via this website.

We prohibit (even for Permitted Users) certain activities that place excessive demand on our servers and systems.  Prohibited use includes:

  • Using any      automated system (e.g. scraping) to extract data for any purpose other      than search engine indexation;

  • Extracting      large volumes of data over a short period of time (note: if you require      large volumes of data, consider our API or Bulk Data offerings).

Search engines are expressly permitted to web-crawl pages on SeekAB in order to index content.  Accordingly, we do not use the robots exclusion protocol. The absence of a robots.txt file does not mean we permit scraping for any other purpose.

We reserve the right to:

  1. monitor the usage of this website and the      API and any other SeekAB’ products in order to enforce these Terms; and

  2. take any action we consider necessary in      order to enforce our rights and protect our interests,           including but not limited to blocking or restricting access to the company      data, issuing legal proceedings or pursue legal action and/or notifying      regulatory or law enforcement authorities.  

Note that the use of this website and/or the API or any company data in violation of these Terms      may also constitute a criminal offence under applicable law, including section 1 of the UK Computer Misuse Act 1990 and the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 

Use of the SeekAB API

The SeekAB API may be used only with an API key. API keys are available in two ways: free of charge to Permitted Users (share-alike keys) and for a fee under our non-share-alike API terms (“non-share-alike API keys”), for example for use in commercial or proprietary applications.

If you try to get around our restrictions on the use of the SeekAB API, for example by applying for multiple API keys using different email addresses, or for making multiple requests using different IP addresses, we have the right to block or suspend your access to the website without warning, and we may take legal action against you or pursue any other legal remedies.

All share-alike API keys will require evidence (for example, the URL of the service or website) that you are making good use of the SeekAB API and that you are, in some way, contributing data or services back to the community under an open licence. If you cannot supply such evidence (e.g. you are a journalist working on a story that you cannot yet make public), you must provide us with the reason so that we can make a determination as to your status as a Permitted User and your right to continue using SeekAB.

The SeekAB database

The SeekAB database is licensed under the Open Database License. A plain language summary of the ODbL is available on the Open Data Commons website.

We source the information in our databases from government and other sources through a variety of means including: directly from government websites and APIs, from publicly available datasets, or through Freedom of Information requests. We spend a lot of time, effort, and even money in getting this data and turning it into a workable and highly usable resource.

We do not claim any rights over the information we receive from our government sources, and attribute them whenever possible. This is known as the “Contents” in the ODbL license.

We do however claim rights over our database of this information.

The ODbL requires you to attribute your use of our database. This is important as it allows us (and in turn the community) to benefit from reuse of our work, and so allows us to continue to provide this service. Use of any data must be accompanied by a hyperlink reading “from SeekAB” and linking to either the SeekAB homepage or the page referring to the information in question. The URL for this is returned in most API calls and if you are making use of the API we would expect you to use the latter form.

The attribution must be large and clear enough to be clearly associated with the usage, and must in all cases be no smaller than 70% of the largest font relating to the information or 7px , whichever is the larger. If you are making the information available via your own API you need to make sure your users comply with all these conditions, and if the information from SeekAB forms the substantial part of the web-page, you should use the rel-canonical tag to indicate to search engines that the SeekAB page for the company is the core page for this topic.

Citing us in a report or mentioning the source in a newspaper article you write directly supports our work and allows us to create great databases.

The ODbL also requires you to share any improvements you make to our databases under the ODbL as well. For example, if you combine the information with your own data, the resultant information must be published under the Attribution Share-Alike ODbL. This means that the whole community can benefit from both of our work on the database.

If you wish to use the database, or part of the database, without one or more of these restrictions, please contact us for a non-share-alike licence.

Registration and passwords

Use of certain parts of the website, and certain functionality, may require you to register with us for an account. You are responsible for making sure that your password and any other account details are kept secure and confidential. You are not permitted to transfer your account to any third party, or provide any third party with access to the website or API via your account.

We are not obliged to permit anyone to register with the website and we may refuse, terminate or suspend registration to anyone at any time.  If we have reason to believe there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the website through your account or the use of your password, we may notify you and require you to change your password, or we may suspend or terminate your account.

Any personal information you provide to us as part of the registration process will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Copyright over site content

The content of the site that has been produced or generated by SeekAB is covered by the CreativeCommons Share-Alike By Attribution licence. This does not cover the database (see above).

Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available. Please contact us if you think you may need additional permission.

Site software

Please note that site software for our sites do not fall under this license or this copyright policy. We often use open-source software, and for more on the software we use, you should visit their respective homepages.

Fair dealing, Fair use, and other exceptions to copyright law

Some content on this website is presented here as a result of copyright exceptions such as fair dealing, fair use, or other exceptions. Our copyright policy does not cover content used here under these exceptions. As a result, your use of this material may not come under the same legal exception.

We do not restrict your fair use or other copyright exceptions that you may have for our materials covered under this policy.

Content on our site and third party copyright

It is the policy of this website to respect the copyright of others.

If you see anything that you think shouldn’t be here, let us know.

Trade marks

The site copyright licence does not apply to any trade marks, registered or unregistered, used on this site. The site copyright licence also does not apply to any copyright that applies to different elements of a trademark, such as a logo or particular work representing the trade mark.

Use of the names SeekAB or any site logos are not covered by this licence.


Please read our detailed Privacy Policy  which sets out how we manage your personal data in compliance with data protection laws including the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the UK GDPR.

Governing Law

If you are accessing this website and/or API as a consumer, the laws of England and Wales apply to these terms, although if you are resident elsewhere you will retain the benefit of any mandatory protections given to you by the laws of that country. Any disputes will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. This means that you can choose whether to bring a claim in the courts of England and Wales or in the courts of another country in which you live.

If you are not accessing this website and/or API as a consumer, these terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, these terms and conditions, their subject matter (including use of this website, the API or the company data) or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales. You and us both irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, these terms, their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).  

Notwithstanding the foregoing, SeekAB has and hereby reserves the right to enforce these Terms and these rights in any court of the world (in which case, SeekAB may opt to require that these Terms to be interpreted and governed under local law).


That’s pretty much it. If you have any questions, contact us. Thank you.